Buffalo, New York, Plastic Regulations

Buffalo is the second most populous city in New York State. It is a trade powerhouse surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, including Niagara Falls. Like many regions, the city struggles to keep plastic out of the land, rivers, and ocean. Learn more about the city’s plastic regulations. 

Key Takeaways

Here are some key takeaways about plastic and Buffalo plastic laws:

  • Single-use plastics are detrimental to wildlife and humans.
  • Plastic production is anticipated to double in the next 20 years.
  • New York State implemented various plastic bans that also impact Buffalo. 
  • Besides adhering to state plastic bans, Buffalo reduces waste through recycling initiatives. 

The Issue of Single-Use Plastics

Single-use plastics are items like takeout containers, plastic carryout bags, and straws that we generally use once. While we discard these items quickly, they stay in our environment for hundreds of years, filling landfills and harming wildlife. Over time, these nonbiodegradable items break down into microplastics, which contaminate our water and food and are even present in our bodies—damaging our health. 

Buffalo Plastic Bans 

While there are no local plastic bans in Buffalo, the state has implemented various bans on single-use plastics that also affect Buffalo. State lawmakers are working hard to help curve the production and usage of plastic throughout New York. 

The Plastic Bag Ban

The State of New York implemented the NYS Bag Waste Reduction Act on March 14, 2020. Under this act, anyone who collects sales tax cannot provide customers with carryout bags. 

The Styrofoam Ban 

The Styrofoam Ban 

The state furthermore banned New York establishments from selling or providing single-serve polystyrene (commonly known as Styrofoam) to customers. This statewide ban took effect on January 1, 2022. Examples of banned Styrofoam items include: 

  • Takeout containers 
  • Trays
  • Bowls
  • Coolers
  • Plates 
  • Cups

Plastic Straw Restrictions

While New York City implemented plastic straw restrictions in 2021 and East Aurora (a village located 20 minutes from downtown Buffalo) banned plastic straws altogether in 2020, Buffalo currently has no restrictions or bans on plastic straws. However, many restaurants in the area are voluntarily switching to biodegradable straws. Lawmakers also want to implement statewide straw restrictions in the future, prohibiting restaurants from providing single-use plastic straws to customers. 

Buffalo Recycling Initiatives 

Buffalo has a recycling program for residents and businesses. The city council also works closely with 34 and More, an organization that champions recycling in the area. The organization is actively involved in recycling campaigns at schools and offers Buffalo businesses the opportunity to help increase the city’s recycling rate by pledging to recycle. 

How Plastic Regulations Reduce Waste

State legislation and Buffalo’s recycling initiatives help reduce plastic waste in the area. After the state implemented the plastic ban, Buffalo citizens started using reusable bags when shopping. Many stores also offer paper bags at a fee. These bags are biodegradable and easy to recycle, causing less harm than their plastic counterparts.

Restaurants and other businesses in the foodservice industry have replaced harmful Styrofoam items with greener ones, including biodegradable and compostable products that do not harm the environment or human health. 

Go Green With Greenprint

Consider our biodegradable products if you are in the foodservice industry and looking for greener alternatives to single-use plastics. You are also welcome to contact our team online to find out more about our products. 

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