Couple having a red wine at restaurant
Restaurant Sustainability Mistakes

Incorporating sustainable practices in your food service business supports the environment, satisfies environmentally conscious customers, and can be lucrative. The popularity of sustainable eating is growing as people become more aware of environmental issues.

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Circular Economy illustrated on a leaf
Circular Economy and Sustainability

In a linear economy, we get our resources from the earth and discard them as waste when we are no longer using them. This economy is also known as the take-make-replace or take-make-use-dispose. Our current economy is linear, and though that comes with many downfalls, there are ways that we can change that.

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All About Agave Fibers
All About Agave Fibers

Natural fibers come from plants, animals and natural processes. They are an excellent resource as they are biodegradable and renewable. Since we can grow or extract different natural fibers in various climates across the globe, there are fewer carbon emissions associated with using natural fibers.

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What is Aircarbon
What is Aircarbon?

Finding viable alternatives to petroleum-based plastics is essential to fighting climate impact. In the last few years, we’ve seen significant advancements in materials engineering, but one of the most exciting to date is AirCarbon.

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Wheat field, hand
What Are Renewable Resources?

When we talk about renewable resources, we’re really talking about sustainability. Renewable resources can be described as anything that renews itself faster than it can be depleted.
Whether referring to raw materials or energy, a renewable source is always better. Creating from a renewable source means we will never run out, harm, or deplete critical habitats that support life on Earth.

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Eco Disposables Manufacturer
Top Five Eco Disposables Manufacturers

Green, renewable, sustainable, ethical practices are fast becoming a standard in most consumer and B2B business models—and that’s a good thing. We only have one planet (at the moment), and it’s up to us to do whatever it takes to keep it healthy; for us, our children, and the other humans, plants, and animals that call it home.

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BioBased Products
Biobased Products and Policies in the US and EU

Biobased products are becoming preferred as the world turns away from all things petroleum-based. As consumers and businesses look for more sustainable alternatives to items usually made from plastic, USDA-identified biobased products exist in 139 categories of goods—except for food, fuel, and feed.

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Are Agave Straws Gluten Free
Are Agave Straws Gluten Free?

Gluten allergies, sensitivities, and celiac disease are prevalent today. As a result, many people tend to avoid foods with gluten to support their healthy lifestyle. While gluten does not adversely affect everybody, many find it to slow their metabolism or cause intestinal disruption, and eliminating it from their diet helps them feel better.

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Tips for Organizing a Community Cleanup
Tips for Organizing a Community Cleanup

Organizing a neighborhood cleanup is an excellent way to improve your local environs. From picking up trash to planting or maintaining community gardens, beautifying public spaces, and shoreline cleanups, so much can be done. Whatever you choose to take on will surely be well worth the effort.

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